join us
join us and become
a part of a great IT community
join us because we
are the heart of IT
join us to discover your new level join us because we
are hiring best of the best
join us to create your success together
why choose TECHNONITE/
Wellness Program
Take care of your body and mind, get fit, relax and have fun with our wellness activities.
Dedicated Team
Join a family-like team, work together towards success and enjoy a friendly work environment.
Workspace Flexibility
We believe that your best work is done where you feel safe, comfortable, and supported. Stay healthy and worry-free with our comprehensive approach.
Corporate Education
Boost your skills, stay up-to-date with the latest trends and get promoted!
job listings/
Backend Developers
1 positions
Frontend Developers
2 positions
1 position
UX/UI Designers
0 positions. but you can send us a resume
0 position
Data Analysts
0 positions. but you can send us a resume
tips for acing the interview/
# First things first.

Apply for a job or just send us your CV. Our HR managers will contact you shortly.

**Tip** If you attach a cover letter, your chances of landing an interview rise significantly!

# Tech interview with the team

It'll be awesome if you look at the job offer once again and prepare some questions for us before the interview. You can also refresh (if necessary) your knowledge about our tech stack. We don't expect you to tell us definitions of tech terms. Instead, we hope to see your understanding and expertise.

**Tip**: It's more valuable to see an example of a theoretical issue put into practice rather than the ability to provide definitions. Prepare effective use cases from your tech experience.

# Final round: an interview with project managers and CTO

Once the second round is done, we will have an approximate understanding of your level of expertise, the type of tasks we can assign to you, and more. The aim of the final interview is to get to know you better, see whether you and the team would make a perfect match, and discover your strong points. That's the stage where you get a chance to demonstrate your expertise and desire to advance professionally working on our product.

We are going to discuss working conditions and future tasks and answer your questions about the team, the product, our workflow, etc.

**Tip** Just relax and be yourself! We value honesty and open-mindedness.

We prepare an offer and set a date for your first day at work.

**Welcome to the Technonite team!**

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relocate with us/
We can help you move to USA
#TravelAssistance #LogisticsSupport #AccommodationSupport #LegalAssistance #FamilyRelocationSupport #SettlingIn #LeisureActivities #LanguageStudies
Come see USA with us
Night City Lights
The East is a delicate matter
It is the tallest one!
Explore all this beautiful land!
Just a flowerbed in the yard